VisioCyt® allows an earlier diagnosis of bladder cancer from a simple urine sample.
This innovative solution is based on a patented technology combining imaging and artificial intelligence.
VisioCyt®, validated by a clinical multicentric prospective trial, is CE marked (in accordance with directive 98/78 CE).
In 2017, VitaDX launched a large clinical trial, named VisioCyt1, on 1,360 patients recruited from 14 hospitals throughout France: the Foch Hospital, Cochin, CHP Antony, CHU Rennes, CHU Clermont Ferrand, HCL Lyon, Clinique Chataigneraie, CH Toulouse, the Paoli-Calmettes Institute in Marseille, CHU Nancy, CH Nantes, CH Nîmes, CH Besançon, Clinique Beausoleil Montpellier.
The results of this multicentric study, finalized in January 2021, confirmed the effectiveness of the deployed solution with an overall sensitivity of over 81% (much higher than that of conventional urinary cytology with a 45% sensitivity), 66.7% versus 25.4% for low grades and finally, 93.7% versus 61.3% for high grades.

Founded in 2015 to exploit patented work from French institutional research, conducted by researchers from the Institute of Molecular Sciences of Orsay (ISMO, UMR CNRS and University of Paris-Sud) and practitioners from the CHU Bicêtre (AP-HP), VitaDX, a deep tech based in Rennes and Paris, develops and markets cancer diagnostic solutions combining artificial intelligence and image processing applied to cytology.
The company's mission is to develop innovative cancer diagnostic solutions that are more efficient, more reliable and have a significant impact on medical and economic systems to benefit the greatest number of patients.

35000 Rennes, France
75015 Paris, France